Jaws' Most Powerful Scene Doesn't Even Include The Shark
IMG Source - https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4fa0cc_74d35d61ee3244a9b31d4d0df6436547~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_629,h_428,al_c,lg_1,q_80,enc_auto/4fa0cc_74d35d61ee3244a9b31d4d0df6436547~mv2.jpeg
Even though most of the tension in the film is created through music, precise shots, and the looming threat of a shark, the most powerful scene in Jaws in my eyes is when Mrs. Kintner slaps Brody on the pier after her son's funeral.
After realizing that Brody kept quiet about Chrissie's death which kept the dangerous waters open to the public and resulted in her son's death, the grieving Kintner can't restrain herself and slaps him. This scene is important because it makes Brody finally realize that he shouldn't be an underling to the greedy Mayor. It takes a literal slap in the face and being accosted in public by a mourning mother in the middle of the day (which is a very powerful contrast) to help Brody understand that his life is more than just work and he needs to focus on his personal life (with his own wife and kid).
There were several key elements of this shot that added to the overall tone of the scene. The black funeral attire stands out from the rest of the beach town's color palette. Along with her outfit, Mrs. Kintner needs help walking from the car but has the strength to attack Brody. Roy Schieder told Lee Fiero to not hold back on the slap, and it made the scene feel more genuine. The camera cuts between the mother, Brody, and the surrounding workers to show everyone's reactions to her scolding/slapping. Longer shots held on the mother were used to demonstrate how much emotional damage she has sustained because of Brody's wrongdoings.
Jaws is considered to be the first blockbuster. Yes, it's because it was the first movie to gross over $100MM at the box office. I think it's the first blockbuster because it was a well-crafted monster movie that still holds up to this day. It told an exciting action-packed shark hunt while also having side plots about families and a community with a corrupt leader. It expanded on these side plots through intense character development rather than just having everyone be one-dimensional. A limited budget and minimal on-screen appearances from the shark helped build immense tension through other ways like the camera and music.
Just like any good blockbuster, unnecessary sequels were made. Nevertheless, Jaws isn't just a movie about a shark attack. It really is one of the best movies of all time.
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